- ISBN: 9781907340222
- Published 31 Mar 2019
- Format: Paperback
- Number of pages: 900
An ideology has been dictating all our lives for decades, but few have even heard of it. Even fewer could explain it. Most have been brainwashed that it is the only way. Neo-liberalism has taken over the world. Imposed dishonestly, undemocratically and by stealth it affects every part of our lives from cradle to grave. Where and how we are born, educated, work, play, consume and die. Even the afterlife has been privatised.
Rob Baigent is an experienced GP. He is getting increasing despairing about the extra pathology he sees on a daily basis, which he believes is a direct result of Government policy. He has seen his beloved NHS almost destroyed by political zealots. Rob understands the long-term clandestine plan to commercialise healthcare so that a small group make their fortunes. Why can’t others see it? Friends and colleagues ridicule his protests. Even his new wife thinks he is paranoid. But the more he looks into it the more he grasps it goes far beyond his NHS.
Jane Lee –
5 STARS – December 2022 – UK – Jane Lee (Editor)
THE DECEIT SYNDROME by Dr Paul Hobday is a brilliantly crafted debut novel on so many levels. Essentially it’s a walk through our contemporary history highlighting the many scandals, corruption and lies of the last century (since the end of WW2) to the present day. It’s also an intriguing murder mystery story that culminates in a dystopian future. You’ll recognise so much in this book which will keep you enthralled. It’s a heavyweight tome, in more ways than one, but well worth the read!
Jane –
5 STARS – 20 December 2022 – UK
This book had me laughing and crying along the way, but mainly it helped me to join the dots until I came to that aha moment of understanding the truth of it all. I can share with you Paul’s best interview with the magnanimous George Galloway which might help you to decide to take the plunge?
Joan –
This is a powerful book and very readable. Its 68 chapters are full of intrigue, mystery, betrayal, deceit, propaganda, sex, and reveals secrets that go on behind closed doors. It’s also a very human story. I enjoyed the humour in the book and the book held my interest throughout because each chapter refreshes the reader with a new set of circumstances and one does not get bogged down. I was often kept waiting for story lines to be resolved and so kept on reading until I found my answers.
Early in the book the author quotes from Lord Rothschild “give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes the law”
Dr Rob Baigent, a GP, is trying to make the public aware that the NHS is in danger of being privatised by big business, pharmaceutical companies and the banking industry, which will make the rich richer and the poor irrelevant. Towards the end of the book the author takes us ten years into the future. A mother takes her child suffering an asthma attack to a medical centre but cannot get help because she has left her credit card at home.
This book is no walk in the park. It is often dark, forces of evil are strong, it can be disturbing but is intended as a warning. It is a rewarding read. I as a reader will pay much closer attention to news items concerning drug companies and private medicine.
Robert –
This entertaining novel’s message about the deceitful clandestine plot to dismantle the National Health Service should be shouted from the rooftops. It exposes the self-serving politicians, medics and compliant media behind an evil venture with hard unpalatable truths.
The author draws upon his own career’s experience as a family doctor and his bold approach to writing intertwines real world politics with a compelling story line that is intriguing and scary, but often very funny and touching.
THE DECEIT SYNDROME joins forces with plays, songs and films such as The Great NHS Heist that have all been produced to convince the public of what is happening to healthcare without their knowledge or consent.
Paul’s non-profit ethos, sending all royalties to support campaigns to save the NHS, should alone encourage everyone who cares about the best thing this country ever did to buy this powerful and persuasive novel.
Aysa Knox –
The proceeds of the book all go towards the efforts to stop the privatisation of the UK NHS. It’s a big book, lots of characters and events and will perhaps prove too much for many readers; it demands a knowledge of British politics and history which could be daunting. Theories, facts and events seem to pile in on top of one another at a blistering pace and the author has done his best to connect all the dots and show a long-lived conspiracy which has led to the dire situation the UK finds itself in today. Tongue-in-cheek for the most part, it nevertheless highlights how corporate and aristocratic luck, circumstance or planning is leading down the road to ruin.
matthewub –
This is an excellent book for anyone wanting to know (why would you not?) what has really been happening in this country for the last hundred years. Very well written, it is shocking as well as depressing in that sense but needs to be known about.
Mr Sam Hobday –
Disclaimer: My uncle wrote this book.
But, I give honest opinions. I liked it. It’s not my normal style, but was both amusing and thought provoking. It’s pretty big, but shorter than Bleak House so hey! But, it kept itself going and I enjoyed it all.
Dyslavid –
A long good story from a real GP from West Kent (fearful for the future of the national service) has enlarged his experience & expectation into a lively thriller.
Candy –
A brilliantly written book related to how the ruling elite are plotting the demise of our NHS. It serves to strengthen resolve to ensure we must protect it from the greedy asset strippers that purportedly have the people’s best interests in mind. They seek to line their own pockets while ensuring a disastrous USA style healthcare system that frankly terrifies me as it will further widen the gap between rich and poor
jo grant –
This is a fantastic book to read and it opens your eyes to so much THATS going on in the country….. you MUST read this book
Peter N Hobday –
This is a wonderful book written by a retired GP from the NHS. It’s eye opening account of a doctor’s perspective is hilarious, frightening and intriguing. Each chapter brings more insight into Dr. Rob Baigent’s life as he navigates the changes of the NHS. As a nurse in the American private health care system it gives me a great opinion of national health care. A great long read and I encourage everyone to read this.
Juliet –
Things we always thought might be happening, but weren’t sure, laid out clearly and in depth.
A great book group novel to discus and simultaneously support the NHS.
Its informative and eye-opening account of one doctors journey of discovery. Its written by a retired GP who knows of which he speaks.
Bronwen N. –
This is a book everyone using the NHS needs to read.
joycelyn springer –
Excellent insight into possible changes to our NHS
Brian Beaumont –
Precient about life in Britain post Brexit
Neil Kenny –
I’ve just re-read this brilliant book after two years and everything Paul Hobday warned about has come true. A novel centred around a GP practice with generous pepperings of humour, knowledge and wit it is also a comprehensive guide to the surreptitious dismantling and sell-off of our NHS assets over the last 30 years. Paul pulls no punches! The real villains are successive Secretaries of State from Ken Clark, Alan Milburn, Andrew Lansley, Jeremy Hunt and of course the CEO, Sir Simon Stevens; without them, as Paul says, “…this book would not be necessary!” I’d call this book a Docunovel. Every health worker should enjoy this book and gain strength from it. The jokes are good too! We owe Paul Hobday a debt of gratitude for the research undertaken to write this book.
John G. –
What a fabulous read. The plot ebbs and flows like any good novel should, only this is based on the true undercurrent of today’s political establishment.
Whilst a novel, it is based on real life situations in our society today and past. At times disturbing but also highly entertaining.
Well researched and a must read for anyone who is interested in saving our NHS from creeping privatisation.
Highly recommended.
Nicky Griffiths –
This is a brilliant first book, written as a novel but contains a lot of shocking truths about scandals of the recent past. There is something for everyone – Romance, History, Politics, Espionage, Murder, all connected to the destruction of our NHS of which many people are still unaware. Dr Hobday also gives us a vision of the future without an NHS – a very scary prospect.
Jazzrook –
Dr. Paul Hobday who has many years experience of the NHS has written a marvellous novel which reveals how health care has been privatised by stealth over the past 40 years.
With American private health companies lining up to take over the NHS completely this important and gripping book should be read by anyone wishing to understand the political and commercial forces determined to undermine and dismantle our NHS.
Foxey –
All governments tell us the NHS is safe in our hands while they slowly dismantle it. As Noem Chomsky said in order to privatise something run it down until the public get fed up and then sell it cheap to the private sector. “The Deceit Syndrome” is a novel which takes on the NHS and paints a nightmarish picture of a dystopian future. Dr Paul Hobday is a retired doctor and a highly readable author.
Peter N Hobday –
This is a wonderful book written by a retired GP from the NHS. It’s eye opening account of a doctor’s perspective is hilarious, frightening and intriguing. Each chapter brings more insight into Dr. Rob Baigent’s life as he navigates the changes of the NHS. As a nurse in the American private health care system it gives me a great opinion of national health care. A great long read and I encourage everyone to read this.
Bernice Cullimore –
A very well written, can’t put down, novel. Everyone in the UK should read this book, so many are unaware of the truth. Our NHS is being sold and privatised, these facts written as a novel could be easier for people to digest. I thoroughly recommend reading this important wake up call from Paul Hobday.
Linda Freeman-Pow –
I haven’t read as yet, enjoyed listening to many a favourite podcaster such as (TM) Richard Vobes, not many would have heard of Paul Hobday without the use of the pod casters growing like wildfire speakers. Congratulations to the Vobes show for bringing business to the people… soundaround audio can create funding projects to care…. We have audio book readers if interested, Raw