Thoroughly enjoyable, truly scary
Paperback edition – 5 stars – by Juliet
A very interesting book full of history and the scary dismantling of the NHS among other things.An excellent book club book to discuss and simultaneously support the NHS. Help to save the NHS
Paperback edition – 5 stars – by paul hobday
This is a powerful book and very readable. Its 68 chapters are full of intrigue, mystery, betrayal, deceit, propaganda, sex, and reveals secrets that go on behind closed doors. It’s also a very human story. I enjoyed the humour in the book and the book held my interest throughout because each chapter refreshes the reader with a new set of circumstances and one does not get bogged down. I was often kept waiting for story lines to be resolved and so kept on reading until I found my answers.Early in the book the author quotes from Lord Rothschild “give me control of a nations money and I care not who makes the law”Dr Rob Baigent, a GP, is trying to make the public aware that the NHS is in danger of being privatised by big business, pharmaceutical companies and the banking industry, which will make the rich richer and the poor irrelevant. Towards the end of the book the author takes us ten years into the future. A mother takes her child suffering an asthma attack to a medical centre but cannot get help because she has left her credit card at home.This book is no walk in the park. It is often dark, forces of evil are strong, it can be disturbing but is intended as a warning. It is a rewarding read. I as a reader will pay much closer attention to news items concerning drug companies and private medicine.