Christopher Chance – interview for Listening Matters on WaterWaves Radio

As we come to the end of one year and 2024, let’s make the coming year a peaceful one. We reflect about peace and war in this important discussion with author and screenwriter Christopher Chance, who wrote BENEATH THE POPPY FIELDS. Listen as Christopher describes the grim reality of subterranean warfare in the Battle of the Somme in France between July and November 1916. His grandfather, John Joseph Gordon, is buried in Étaples Military Cemetery, Pas-de-Calais and was the inspiration for this book. Who are the other unnamed heroes from the Sutton Manor coal mining community in Lancashire? Christopher gives them a voice and explains how writing has helped him to cope with his own traumas. Chris has a fascinating background. Highly skilled martial artist, soldier, teacher and conned into muling drugs. He served time in one of the most notorious prisons in Spain.

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