The Path Of The Gods

Author: Joseph Geraci


  • ISBN: 9781907340055
  • Published: 1 Nov 2009
  • Format: Paperback
  • Number of pages: 460

Joseph Geraci’s new novel is set in 5th century Athens. The tale is told by Amyntas, an heir to the throne of Macedonia. He attempts to trace the role that fate and the gods have played in his life. As a young man in Athens, Amyntas is befriended by Socrates and becomes involved in many aspects of Athenian life. He knows the playwright Aristophanes, Simonides the poet and many others. Amyntas is attractive to both male and female alike. He has several affairs, not least with Mania an attractive slave girl. Joseph Geraci writes with grace and style, his narrative is energetic and the story never palls.


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