The Tragedy Of Deception

Author: Humayun Niaz


  • ISBN: 9781907340130
  • Published 12 Jul 2011
  • Format: Paperback
  • Number of pages: 206

‘Tragedy Of Deception’ is a true and first hand account of the last days of Taliban rule in Afghanistan as seen through the eyes of a neutral, ordinary and non-political person who went to Kandahar to set up a flour and general mills in September 2000. This honest account brings out the true nature of things as they occurred not withstanding what was reported in the press.The writer makes one revelation after another recalling a series of credible events and makes use of contemporary photographic images in support of his claims.

The irony of the story will be evident to most people after reading this account, although separating fact from fiction is never easy, and in the case of Afghanistan this is even more so. Indeed Aghanistan is never far from the limelight, acting as a playground for another Great Game that has already started and has a long way to go. The last one was played out in the 19th century between the British and Russian Empires vying for supremacy in Central Asia – this time the players may be different but the ground is the same.

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