Our very own Dr Paul Hobday, retired GP and author of THE DECEIT SYNDROME, engaged in full and frank discussion about the demise of the English National Health Service with the brilliant journalist and radio host Richie Allen on The Richie Allen Show – Thurs 20th Jan 2022.
The topic under discussion was Paul’s book THE DECEIT SYNDROME and how this reveals, in novel form, the salami slicing of our beloved National Health Service, by successive governments – Conservative and Labour – over many years, on the way to privatisation along the lines of the American insurance-based Integrated Care System – motto “the less care we give them, the more profit we make“.
Much of what Paul had to say on air came as a revelation to Richie and to his listeners, who were texting in throughout the show – so many messages in fact that Richie asked Paul if he would come back again to carry on the discussion and maybe do a Q & A with the listeners.
Paul was happy to accept so watch this space!
Catch up with this full episode of The Richie Allen Show HERE

THE DECEIT SYNDROME – Catch 69 by Dr Paul Hobday
All proceeds from the sales of this book will go toward the legitimate campaigns fighting to save our NHS