Pop-up Book Signing – Saturday 24th September, St Peter’s Hill, Grantham, NG31 10am – 3pm
Grantham based publishing house Strand Publishing UK is sponsoring a pup-up book signing event showcasing the works of three of our most prominent and prolific writers.
Dr Paul Hobday, retired GP from Maidstone, Kent, is known to most NHS campaigners nationwide as the author of his debut novel THE DECEIT SYNDROME: Catch 69, a work of fiction based on factual events. It describes how the privatisation of our beloved National Health Service was all planned and years in the making by a clandestine group of unelected wealthy elites. This story leads to a dystopian future where only the rich can travel and access the best healthcare, while the rest of humanity is herded into high-rise tower blocks and must contend with constant surveillance and government handouts!
Richard Coppin is well known to many folks in Grantham as retired local businessman, artist and graphic designer, and the author of THE CURSE OF BECKETT’S WOOD, a puzzling yet gripping debut novel about the dire consequences of abuse on the human psyche.
CHRISTOPHER CHANCE, former soldier, martial artist and daredevil drug-runner, originally from Widnes but now lives close by in Great Oakley, is everybody’s favourite bad boy turned prolific author, known for his prison writing in the raw based on personal experience (see National Geographic ‘Banged Up Abroad’ Series 6 Ep 6). Chris has two books published by Penguin Random House: CARABANCHEL and LONE BRIT ON 13; and three novels with Strand: THE ASSASSINS CODE 1, BENEATH THE POPPY FIELDS, and most recently SATAN’S ARENA.
This is a unique opportunity for our authors to meet and greet discerning readers and budding writers, to discuss their works and what inspired them to start writing.
For full descriptions and reviews of all our books visit the website – https://strandpublishing.co.uk